SMI-HLL project focuses on providing a wide range of innovative learning/ art/ culture resources which adult educators/ trainers can use in their work with migrants and more, it will give the opportunity of all those interested to use free digital activities/resources online. The main aim of this work is to investigate the influence of art on the integration processes of migrants in the place of their arrival. Nevertheless, in this case integration should be mutual and local people who live in the place where migrants arrive ought to be provided with the possibility of knowing their culture which will help in understanding and acceptance. Therefore, three research questions were asked: how language, art and culture can help in the processes of migrants’ integration?
How art can solve the problems and conflicts between migrants and local society? Finally, there will be made an attempt to answer how to accelerate intercultural dialogue and promote cultural diversity through language awareness and art activities? Trainers and adult educators need a digital alternative teaching approaches if they are to successfully build the key competence profile of such communities. In a pedagogic context, the centuries old techniques of storytelling, drama and music have faded into the background and are rarely now considered as appropriate techniques for knowledge transfer and key competence building. History tells us of a different era when literacy and language were for the few rather than the mases; when the wisdom of the wise and the rule of the powerful were transmitted by stories, morality plays and in rhyme and song. SMI-HLL will bring unique and effective techniques into the modern age to help overcome linguistic, social and cultural barriers and build key competences among immigrants.
Specific steps in the development of SMI-HLL project will include:
- 1. A detailed digital training course for trainers and adult educators to support them in the use of art disciplines (like storytelling, short theatre plays, photo art) and target language activities for training with migrants to build key competences.
- 2. The production of innovative pedagogic resources that use the different artistic disciplines to build key competences for inclusion within the target group and the presentation of these new resources in digital formats in a digital toolbox of alternative basic skills development resources.
- 3. Provide a multi-lingual e-learning platform to support learning in a dynamic and innovative environment.
- 4. A scientific paper publication expressing the result the project and making key recommendations for future developments.
SMI-HLL target groups:
Trainers and adult education providers that work in the field of migration or social policies to provide training programs in the use of digital skills and abilities for communication and arts activities in the target language; to use digital skills and abilities and develop communication skills accordingly.
Migrants with different backgrounds who are eager to learn the target language of the host country but not through face to face classes (having different personal reasons like: different programme schedule, fear of public speaking, low degree of English/French as an international language) but online, from the comfort of their homes, through a variety of activities.
- English
- Spanish
- Romanian
- Turkish
- Arabic